N.B. The below list is selective. For additional essays, please consider subscribing (for free, or for $5-20) to my Patreon, patreon.com/reproutopia.
- Amniotechnics, The New Inquiry, 2017.
- SERF ‘n’ TERF: Notes on some Bad Materialisms, Salvage, 2017.
- Cthulhu Plays No Role For Me, Viewpoint, 2017.
- Gestators of all Genders, Unite!, Verso, 2018.
- Julie Bindel and the School of Wrong Abolitionism, Verso, 2018.
- All Reproduction is Assisted, Boston Review (the issue also uses this phrase of mine as its title), 2018.
- ‘Labour Does You’, The New Socialist, 2018.
- How British Feminism Became Anti-Trans, New York Times, 2019.
- For One Another, The New Inquiry, 2019.
- ‘I Like Being Dead,’ Blind Field, 2019.
- Cyborg Sentiments, Red Pepper, 2019.
- Anti-Fascisting, The New Inquiry, 30 May, 2019.
- Pregnancy and the Handmaid Dystopia, Verso, 2019.
- Do Electric Sheep Dream of Water-Babies?, Logic, 2019.
- The Satanic Death-Cult is Real, Commune, 2019.
- Who Liberates the Slaves?, The White Review, 2019.
- Gestational De-Crim, Salvage, 2019.
- The ‘Cats’ Defender Has Logged On, Patreon, 2019.
- Hello to My Haters: Tucker Carlson’s Mob and Me, Dissent, 2020.
- The coronavirus crisis shows it’s time to abolish the family, OpenDemocracy, 2020.
- Momrades Against Motherhood, Salvage, 2020.
- Collective Turn-Off, Mal journal, 2020.
- Covid-19 Is Straining the Concept of the Family. Let’s Break It, The Nation, 2020.
- Houses Into Homes, UCHRI, 2020.
- With-Women: Grieving in Capitalist Time, e-flux, 2020.
- Utopia, No, The Baffler, 2020.
- Low-Tech Grassroots Ectogenesis, brand-new-life magazine, 2021.
- Shulamith Firestone Wanted to Abolish Nature—We Should, Too, The Nation, 2021.
- My Octopus Girlfriend: On Erotophobia, n+1, 2021.
- The Family Lottery, Dissent, 2021.
- How Domestic Labor Robs Women of Their Love, Boston Review, 2021.
- Shebeen Queens: On Girly Drinks by Mallory O’Meara, LRB, 2021.
- Introduction, Revolutionary Letters by Diane di Prima, 2021.
- Disloyal Children of Shulamith Firestone: Updating Gestational Utopianism, Interfere, 2021.
- Maybe We Could Be Each Other’s Moms: on Sex Education, Dissent, 2022.
- The New Comfort Zone: Erotophilia under COVID-19,” FAZ, 2022.
- A Woman is a Woman? On Woman by Lillian Faderman, The Baffler, 2022.
- Free Anthrogenesis: Antiwork Abortion, Salvage, 2022.
- Abortion Involves Killing—and That’s OK!, The Nation, 2022.
- Reproductive Wrongs, London Review of Books, 2022.
- Six Years (and Counting) of Circlusion, The New Inquiry, 2022.
- The Case For Abolishing the Family,” IAI, 2022.
- Some Like it Hot: Notes from the Marilyn Appreciation Society, Harpers, 2022.
- On Non-Reparative Mothering, YOYI!, 2022.
- Auto-Analysis: Caren Allstrich, Parapraxis, 2022.
- Of Innocence and Experience: On the Trans Child, Tank, 2023
- Escape from Love Island,” LRB blog, 2023.
- Must we have children? with rabbi Solomon, Jewish Currents, July 2023.
- Rihanna Rubbed Her Belly and Broke a Million Brains, Defector, 2023.
- Uncurling, Jacket2, 2023.
- I’ll Do The Dishes, London Review of Books, 2023.
- On Sara Petersen’s Momfluenced, Signs, 2023.
- Double Shift: Dialectic of the Trad-Wife, Dilettante Army, 2023.
- The Derelict Dads of Bridgerton, Lux, 2023.
- The Good-Enough Momfluencer, The Baffler, July 2023.
- Can the Sireniform Speak? Devolving with The Little Mermaid, The Drift, 2023.
- A Marriage Abolitionist Says ‘I Do’…, Red Pepper, November 2023.
- Some of my Best Enemies are Feminists (on feminist Zionism), Salvage, March 2024.
- When Genocide is Feminist – interview (Alex Doherty), April 2024.
- Beyond the Back-Lasch, the Beach, Patreon, May 2024.
- Battlefield Ecstasies (on Andrea Dworkin), The Point, March 2024.
- Interview, Angel Food magazine, June, 2024.
- I Suppose I Must Have (on gaslighting), London Review of Books, August 2024.
- Black Star Film Festival 2024 Dispatch, e-flux, August 2024.
- Brief Notes on Imane Khelif, Patreon, August 2024.
- Bosses Want Us To Work In Our Sleep (Literally), Nation, September 2024.
- Lipstick on the Pigs: Kamala Harris and the Lineage of the Female Cop, The Drift, 30 October, 2024.
- Interview with Sophie Lewis by Tracy Clark-Flory, 14 November, 2024.
- Foreword to the Chinese edition of Abolish the Family, Patreon, Dec. 2024.
- TERF ISLAND: There Have Always Been Enemies Inside the Feminist Camp, Lux magazine, 21 October, 2024.
Some of my best enemies are feminists: on Zionist feminism, Salvage Quarterly, March.
Battlefield Ecstasies (on Andrea Dworkin), The Point, March 2024.
I Suppose I Must Have (on gaslighting), London Review of Books, August 2024.
Black Star Film Festival 2024 Dispatch, e-flux, August 2024.
Bosses Want Us To Work In Our Sleep (Literally), Nation, September 2024.
Interview, Angel Food magazine, June, 2024.
Lipstick on the Pigs: Kamala Harris and the Lineage of the Female Cop, The Drift, 30 October, 2024.
TERF ISLAND: There Have Always Been Enemies Inside the Feminist Camp, Lux magazine, 21 October, 2024.
A marriage abolitionist says… ‘I do?’, Red Pepper, November.
Can the Sireniform Speak? Devolving with The Little Mermaid, The Drift, November.
The Derelict Dads of Bridgerton, Lux, October.
Paul Preciado’s Uterine Politics: Abolish the Family or Reclaim Confiscated Queer Genetic Patrimony?, Paragraph.
I’ll Do the Dishes (discussing Essential Labor by Angela Garbes), The London Review of Books, vol. 45 no. 9.
The Good-Enough Momfluencer, The Baffler, July.
Double Shift: Dialectic of the Trad-Wife, Dilettante Army, May.
Of Innocence and of Experience (on the figure of the transgender child), Tank magazine, issue 94.
Rihanna Rubbed Her Belly and Broke a Million Brains, Defector, February 15.
Escape from Love Island, The London Review of Books blog, January 20.
Fascist Feminism, with Asa Seresin, TSQ.
On Non-Reparative Mothering, YOYI! magazine, December.
Some Like it Hot: Notes from the Marilyn Appreciation Society, Harper’s, November issue.
The Case for Abolishing the Family, IAI, October 14.
Caren Allstrich: Auto-Analysis, Parapraxis magazine, issue #1.
Abortion Involves Killing – And That’s OK!, The Nation, June 22.
Free Anthrogenesis: Antiwork Abortion, Salvage Quarterly, June.
A Woman is a Woman? Lillian Faderman’s Selective Histories, The Baffler, March edition.
Mothering against motherhood: doula work, xenohospitality and the idea of the momrades, Feminist Theory, January 10.
Shebeen Queens, London Review of Books, November 18.
How Domestic Labor Robs Women of Their Love, Boston Review, October 28.
Shulamith Firestone Wanted to Abolish Nature, The Nation, July 14.
The Family Lottery, Dissent , Summer issue.
My Octopus Girlfriend (on erotophobia), n+1 magazine, Issue 39.
Low-Tech Grassroots Ectogenesis, brand new life magazine, February 2.
Utopia, No (on Entitled by Kate Manne), The Baffler, November 19.
With-Women: Grieving in Capitalist Time, e-flux journal, #111, September.
Collective Turn-Off, Mal Journal, Issue 5 (“Sex-Negative”), August 14.
Mothering Against the World: Momrades Against Motherhood, Salvage Quarterly, September 18.
Houses Into Homes, UCHRI, Foundry “Boiling Point” series.
Grief-Circling, Dissent magazine, (Summer issue).
Covid-19 Is Straining the Concept of the Family. Let’s Break It, The Nation, June 3.
The coronavirus crisis shows it’s time to abolish the family, openDemocracy, March 24.
Hello to my Haters: Tucker Carlson’s Mob and Me, Dissent magazine, Winter issue.
Who Liberates the Slaves? (Review of The Testaments by Margaret Atwood), The White Review, December 22.
The Satanic Death-Cult is Real – on familial trauma, Commune magazine, Issue IV, August 28.
Do Electric Sheep Dream of Water Babies? – on ectogenic bio-bags, Logic magazine, Issue 8.
Cyborg Sentiments – on xenofeminism, Red Pepper magazine, March 27.
For One Another, The New Inquiry, January 23.
‘Labor Does You’: Might thinking through pregnancy as work help us radicalise the politics of care?, The New Inquiry, January 23.
All Reproduction is Assisted, Boston Review | The Once and Future Feminist, ed. Merve Emre, .
Gestators of all Genders, Unite!, Verso Books Blog, March 26.
Not a Workplace: Julie Bindel and the school of wrong abolitionism, Verso Books Blog, May 24.
“Cthulhu Plays No Role For Me” (on the oeuvre of Donna Haraway), Viewpoint magazine, May 8.
‘Amniotechnics’ – on a watery politics of holding and letting go, The New Inquiry, January 25.
SERF ‘n’ TERF: Notes on some Bad Materialisms, Salvage Quarterly, vol. 5. February 6.