Upcoming Events around Enemy Feminisms:
21-22 March | Durham, NC | Duke Feminist Theory Workshop Enemy Feminisms keynote.
20 March | Chapel Hill, NC | FlyLeaf Books | 5.30pm | Enemy Feminisms with Tania Rispoli.
23 March | Asheville, NC | Firestorm Coop | 6pm | Enemy Feminisms.
25 March | Chicago | Pilsen Community Books | 7pm | Enemy Feminisms w/ Eman Abdelhadi.
27 March | Philadelphia | UPenn| 5pm | Enemy Feminisms and Faux Feminism, with Sukaina Hirji and the author of Faux Feminism, Serene Khader. Register here.
1 April | Columbus, OH | WOSU Ross Community Studio, organized by Prologue Bookshop | 7pm | Enemy Feminisms | with Mytheli Sreenivas.
2 April | Granville, OH | Denison University | class visit, and 8pm lecture.
8 April | Glassboro, NJ | Rowan University | “The Feminism We Need” with Sophie Lewis and Serene Khader | 5pm, Rowan Arts Gallery.
11 April | panelist at Lockdown University conference, NYC.
18 April | Piscataway, NJ | Rutgers University | 3pm | Lecture, Geography Dept. Colloquium series.
May 25 | Seattle | with Emi Koyama | 5pm | Elliott Bay Books. RSVP here.
May 28 | San Francisco | City Lights bookstore | 7pm | with Eric Stanley.
May 29 | San Francisco | 518 Valencia | tbc | with the Hala Collective.
May 30, May 31 | Minneapolis | tbc | with Lyn Corelle and Aren Aizura.
3-6 July | Chicago | Socialism Conference | details tbc.